Last night during dinner, a grouse flew into the window, and hit the ground. We all rushed out to check on its condition, and it was hiding underneath the washboard by the stairs. I picked up the poor bird, who was pretty much on its way out. It didn't really fight my picking it up, and just kind of stared at me with a sad face. Poor bird. I felt bad for it, so I carried it over to some nice bushes, so it could have a nice rest, and hopefully it would either die peacefully or get sorted out and fly away (it's wings were fine, I checked those).
Unfortunately, the dog (Patches, adorable dog) ran over, picked up the bird in her mouth, and took off through the yard. That bird got pooched. I went back in to dinner, and just started laughing so hard at the whole situation. It was sad, but still just so silly that after my delicate moving of the bird, the friggen dog took it. At least the dog ate the bird, so it wasn't just a senseless murder.
Work wise, things are going well up here. We've been up in the Hluey Lakes area lately, being that we finally got road access! This is exciting mostly because we've been trying for 2 months to get in there, and we can take as many samples as we want in the truck, plus we don't have to carry them around all day. Pretty ideal.
We've got about 3 more traverses to do until we're done our map area, two weeks until we leave this town, so we've got our work cut out for us... kind of. It's a lot of computer work, and a fair amount of logistics to sort out before we leave. One of our pickup trucks has been out of commission for about a month (we rented it, but the company failed to put on proper tires, so they sent some up after we kept getting flats, but the tires aren't here yet), and we need that to head back down south. There's samples to ship, boxes to ship, and we have to figure out what we can send early and what we have to take with us. I know for sure I'll be back in Vancouver by August 28th, so that's reassuring.
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